Me and my wife came to this country to have our first child born here than settle down, see how we like it and decide for the rest. We love here, and that`s the only reason i`m actually going this far to try to address i hope quite a lot people with my thoughts and with my concerns. First in order to understand me you have to know where we came from...our countries are poor and my country (we talking about EU countries here) 46% of the people makes the living from less then 2800 SEK a month when the prices are the same or higher than here... we pay more taxes on labor than you guys and we have more than 54 different taxes in everyday things like taking money out of the ATM or pay with your card in the shop or calls from landline phone or paying a bill or inherit from your parents a house, etc.....So for a person who used to live like that, believe me when i`m saying its good to be here... But i think you guys are aware of this...that life is good here. So my wife, our little baby son and me would like to stay. We`d like to stay because we see that things are working better in a Swedish way, so we figured if we wanna stay and enjoy this good lifestyle we have to became Swedish in our heads and think like you people and live like you.....and we try to live like that. I have a good my taxes, pay my bills and we not taking more than what the state gives us (babymoney .mamaledig ,papaledig) buying Swedish products, getting ICA or Hemkop and Coop card and staff, and we not transferring or saving money to our other account abroad because we don`t have one....We have now friend as well here, so we slowly setting our foot. BUT.... Not everyone like we are!...and NO, this is NOT a post against any people with different color or religion....I`m not gonna call anyone anything here, I am simply gonna point out to you how other people using your own kindness against you... When I arrived here and I started to work in Uppsala there was only 1 or 2 of them playing some instrument in the central station....i mention it to my boss. who said to me that they only there a couple of month.... yes i`m talking about the beggars!!! I told him then, which I`m actually just writing down now.... I should done it probably earlier...but its still not too late!! These people are really poor people so first of all they would never have the money to come here in any way...(As it cost me and my family about 100,000SEK just to start our life here without any income) They are picked up in their home country by people who organize these journeys for them and promising them % from what they making in begging but not more then their own basic living costs and max a few 100 SEK to send home....You probably say its nothing wrong with this....THERE IS!! It is basically a crime organisation....a Beggar MAFFIA, they like cancer... start of with a few people around the bigger cities so the cost for the maffia is low but with a fairly high income, because don`t be thinking that these people only making a few SEK...every one of them make THOUSANDS of it a day!!!!! So the organisation who bring them out and keeping them on the street take a big chunk of that( around 80%)... so after they "invest" that money and bring out more of them! In the last 1 and a half year since we here their numbers are increased drastically!!! You can notice yourself now that they are there in front of every major store or shopping center and every second corner!! The problem is that now all these people making all that money for this crime organisation and that money is UN TAXED CASH which never goes back to your system....NEVER builds your economy again...never moves companies and never makes new jobs!!!! You might think that you only giving a 10 or a 5 korona coin but imagine and do the simple math, if an other 500 good Swedish people does this every day and multiple that up with a 100 beggars cleverly placed around town!!! In a country where everything is so cleverly monitored how can people not seeing this...And this is only the first stage...that why i said they like cancer...they spread trough the country and eats it up slowly from the inside....more beggars more money out of the system!!! Its a well organised form of pumping money out of a wealthy country...and if you don`t believe me take a few minutes and just look up what happened in other countries...Spain,France,Italy,Hungary....The KEY for stopping them is IN YOUR hands....DONT GIVE THEM MONEY!!!! if you so concern about them give them a sandwich or an apple or coffee or any food or clothes....but you will see they wont even take it or they take it and throw it away!!! You guys are smart...think about it for a second!! If they so poor and can`t do anything else but begging while every one of us are working hard how comes that they have mobile phones and how they can make laminated printed sheets specially for begging????? They must have printers and laminating machines and stuff... so they have a life here a house or electricity from TAX FREE money!!!! PLEASE GOOD SWEDISH PEOPLE DON`T BE BLIND!!! Dont support your own country`s slow downfall!!! I know because I saw mine falling because of this!!! and we lived in Ireland for 7 years before and there is already too late as well In Dublin city center they came to begging in your face when you having a burger with your friends in the we looked around and moved here....We do NOT want to move again!!! I simply can not watch an other country where i wanna live going down like this!!! I don`t want my son and my unborn children to see what I saw and grow up in a way i grow up!!!! The only possible way here is if you address the problem, face it and with a simple humane solution (only food, clothes, no cash!) solve it!!! I would also like to ask everyone who agrees with me just share this post so more people can be aware of this problem!!! And yes this is a problem you have to face and talk about it before its too late!!! Even If you don`t agree at least we talking about it!!! Thank you! Levente Kukucska
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